Found Termites in your territory? If you come across termites near your home, around your home or at a family or friends home it is really important that you...
Spider season is here!!! We can help you protect your home and family by carrying out a spider treatment on your property!! The residual of a spider treatment can...
Have you had an annual termite inspection carried out on you home or investment? If not then we do urge people to carry out a termite inspection. A lot...
With spring now on our doorstep you will start to see those spiders and creepy crawlies staring to get about. Now is the perfect time for a spider treatment!!!...
Spring has Sprung!!!! Happy Spring Everyone!!! If you notice spiders and ants starting to get about then you know which pest controller to call. We can carry out a...
Have you had your annual termite inspection? If not then we urge all home owners and investors to have a full termites inspection carried out on your property. Termites...
Do you want to protect your home from termite attack? We at Bega Valley Pest control are all about the prevention of termites attacks. There are little things that...